Sunday, August 30, 2009

Personalized URL's - PURLS

A personal landing page fashioned around a specific customer is a great integration of a customer database with online technology. Offers of interest and meaningful incentives can be presented rather than the "one size fits all" approach. According to Andrus (2008, p1), a PURL "creates a one-to-one dialogue with consumers...." She goes on to say that activity tracking can be used to "contiually refine the content or offer to that specific individual."

Andrus quotes David Rosenthal that over 30% of direct mail recipients prefer to respond online. I know that's true for me. One concern that people have about PURL is the publication of PII, personally indentifiable information. Rosenthal recommends using pass codes to protect the Web page in such cases.

Andrus, A (09/01/2008). Personalized URLS. Marketing News. Retrieved on August 26, 2009 from EBSCOHOST.

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